s. intelligence,
nana kancukan , s. the deity as pure intelligence clothed with wisdom.
nanakarani , the authoress of wisdom, Saraswati.
nanakariyam , spiritual matters.
nanakuru ,nanacariyan , the spiritual guru, i. e. the deity appearing in human form to instruct his disciples.
nanakkan , mental vision, spiritual sight (opp. to.unakkan ).
nana capai , a hall at Chidambaram symbolizing the immensity of God.
nana camati , the posture of the erect silent ascetic of the highest degree.
nana cikamani , God, as crowning all wisdom.
nana cutcam , spiritual interpretation, a clue to the understanding of the mystical parts of religion.
nanasnanam , baptism, see undersnanam .
nanatiraviyam ,nananupana tiraviyam , (chr. us.) sacrament.
nana tirusti , -titti , spiritual light or illumination.
nana titcai , the imparting of spiritual illumination, by the look of the guru in his official capacity.
nanatipam , -tipikai -vilakku , the lamp of knowledge.
nanat takappan , (chr. us.) god-father.
nanattay , god-mother.
nananittai , -nistai , the devotion of the gnani as a silent worshipper, having the mind fixed on a divine object.
nananul , theological treatises.
nanaparakan , a profound philosopher.
nanapotakam , -potanai , instruction in the mysteries of religion.
nanappal , spiritual milk, divine knowledge.
nanappillai , (chr. us.) a god-son or god-daughter.
nanamayam , spirituality.
nanamarkkam , the course of life according to highest degree of Saivism; 2. the sublime and spiritual parts of religion.
nana muttirai , a distinguishing mark impressed on a person to denote his religion.
nanamullavan , one who is wise.
nanamurtti , God; 2. Saraswati.
nanavalli , Parvathi.
nanavan , (fem.nanavati ) a wise person,nanavantan .
nanakaran , the deity as the source of wisdom.
nanacariyan , asnanakuru .
nanatikkam , the possession of wisdom.
nanamirtam , spiritual nectar.
nanayutam , a spiritual armour or weapon.
nanarttam , spiritual mystical sense. (nana +arttam ).
nananantam , the sublime spiritual enjoyments of religion.
nananantan , the deity, full of spiritual delight.
nananuttanam nananustanam , the practice of the gnani.
nananupavam , the enjoyment of wisdom.
nananupanam , (chr. us.) means of grace. seenanatiraviyam .
nani , a wise man, a learned man or woman; 2. a man in the 4th or highest degree of Saiva system; 3. Brahma of the traid; 4. a gallinaceous fowl, a cock is knowing the hours of the night.
nanentiriyam , the five organs of sense.
nanotayam , the dawn of spiritual wisdom.
nanopatecam , asnanapotakam .
meynnanam , com.mennanam , true wisdom.
vacananam ,vaynanam , speculative knowledge.
annanam , ignorance, heathenism (a , priv.)
s. intelligence,
ஞான கஞ்சுகன் , s. the deity as pure intelligence clothed with wisdom.
ஞானகாரணி , the authoress of wisdom, Saraswati.
ஞானகாரியம் , spiritual matters.
ஞானகுரு ,ஞானாசாரியன் , the spiritual guru, i. e. the deity appearing in human form to instruct his disciples.
ஞானக்கண் , mental vision, spiritual sight (opp. to.ஊனக்கண் ).
ஞான சபை , a hall at Chidambaram symbolizing the immensity of God.
ஞான சமாதி , the posture of the erect silent ascetic of the highest degree.
ஞான சிகாமணி , God, as crowning all wisdom.
ஞான சூட்சம் , spiritual interpretation, a clue to the understanding of the mystical parts of religion.
ஞானஸ்நானம் , baptism, see underஸ்நானம் .
ஞானதிரவியம் ,ஞானானுபான திரவியம் , (chr. us.) sacrament.
ஞான திருஷ்டி , -திட்டி , spiritual light or illumination.
ஞான தீட்சை , the imparting of spiritual illumination, by the look of the guru in his official capacity.
ஞானதீபம் , -தீபிகை -விளக்கு , the lamp of knowledge.
ஞானத் தகப்பன் , (chr. us.) god-father.
ஞானத்தாய் , god-mother.
ஞானநிட்டை , -நிஷ்டை , the devotion of the gnani as a silent worshipper, having the mind fixed on a divine object.
ஞானநூல் , theological treatises.
ஞானபாரகன் , a profound philosopher.
ஞானபோதகம் , -போதனை , instruction in the mysteries of religion.
ஞானப்பால் , spiritual milk, divine knowledge.
ஞானப்பிள்ளை , (chr. us.) a god-son or god-daughter.
ஞானமயம் , spirituality.
ஞானமார்க்கம் , the course of life according to highest degree of Saivism; 2. the sublime and spiritual parts of religion.
ஞான முத்திரை , a distinguishing mark impressed on a person to denote his religion.
ஞானமுள்ளவன் , one who is wise.
ஞானமூர்த்தி , God; 2. Saraswati.
ஞானவல்லி , Parvathi.
ஞானவான் , (fem.ஞானவதி ) a wise person,ஞானவந்தன் .
ஞானாகரன் , the deity as the source of wisdom.
ஞானசாரியன் , asஞானகுரு .
ஞானாதிக்கம் , the possession of wisdom.
ஞானாமிர்தம் , spiritual nectar.
ஞானாயுதம் , a spiritual armour or weapon.
ஞானார்த்தம் , spiritual mystical sense. (ஞான +அர்த்தம் ).
ஞானானந்தம் , the sublime spiritual enjoyments of religion.
ஞானானந்தன் , the deity, full of spiritual delight.
ஞானானுட்டானம் ஞானாநுஷ்டானம் , the practice of the gnani.
ஞானானுபவம் , the enjoyment of wisdom.
ஞானானுபானம் , (chr. us.) means of grace. seeஞானதிரவியம் .
ஞானி , a wise man, a learned man or woman; 2. a man in the 4th or highest degree of Saiva system; 3. Brahma of the traid; 4. a gallinaceous fowl, a cock is knowing the hours of the night.
ஞானேந்திரியம் , the five organs of sense.
ஞானோதயம் , the dawn of spiritual wisdom.
ஞானோபதேசம் , asஞானபோதகம் .
மெய்ஞ்ஞானம் , com.மெஞ்ஞானம் , true wisdom.
வாசாஞானம் ,வாய்ஞானம் , speculative knowledge.
அஞ்ஞானம் , ignorance, heathenism (அ , priv.)