Meaning of 'cozam'

s. the Chola kingdom.

cozatecam, -pumi, -mantalam, the country of the Chola king.
cozamantalakkarai, Coromandel coast.
cozangkan, -cozan, any king of the Chola dynasty.
coziyan, one from the Chola country; 2. a broad hoe, periya manvetti.
coziyakkatakam, a large kind of basket.
coziyappai, a large kind of bag used by mendicants.
coziyavellalar, the Vellalahs of the Chola country.
coziyavanam, coziyavanam, a term used in Coromandal for 2, betel nuts.

Meaning of சோழம்

s. the Chola kingdom.

சோழதேசம், -பூமி, -மண்டலம், the country of the Chola king.
சோழமண்டலக்கரை, Coromandel coast.
சோழங்கன், -சோழன், any king of the Chola dynasty.
சோழியன், one from the Chola country; 2. a broad hoe, பெரிய மண்வெட்டி.
சோழியக்கடகம், a large kind of basket.
சோழியப்பை, a large kind of bag used by mendicants.
சோழியவெள்ளாளர், the Vellalahs of the Chola country.
சோழியவணம், சோழியாவணம், a term used in Coromandal for 2, betel nuts.

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