Meaning of 'cotacam'

s. sixteen, patinayu; 2. the bark of trees; 3. fibre, nar.

cotaca upacaram, the sixteen acts of respect paid to a guru or a great personage.
cotacavatanam, the act of performing sixteen different acts at the same time.
cotacavatani, one who performs cotacavatanam.

Meaning of சோடசம்

s. sixteen, பதினாறு; 2. the bark of trees; 3. fibre, நார்.

சோடச உபசாரம், the sixteen acts of respect paid to a guru or a great personage.
சோடசாவதானம், the act of performing sixteen different acts at the same time.
சோடசாவதானி, one who performs சோடசாவதானம்.

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