Meaning of 'contu'

s. scall on the head, scab, talaiyazukku; 2. a bill or beak, payavai mukku; 3. lip, utatu; 4. blubber lip, tatitta utatu; 5. thick brim of pots, pattira vilimpu.

contupeca, to abuse, to revile.
contatikka, to blubber in speaking (as an old man).
contan, contukkaran, a thick blubber-lipped person.
contuttin, delicacy in food, eating too often.
contuviyka, to tell tales, to expose.

Meaning of சொண்டு

s. scall on the head, scab, தலையழுக்கு; 2. a bill or beak, பறவை மூக்கு; 3. lip, உதடு; 4. blubber lip, தடித்த உதடு; 5. thick brim of pots, பாத்திர விளிம்பு.

சொண்டுபேச, to abuse, to revile.
சொண்டடிக்க, to blubber in speaking (as an old man).
சொண்டன், சொண்டுக்காரன், a thick blubber-lipped person.
சொண்டுத்தீன், delicacy in food, eating too often.
சொண்டுவிற்க, to tell tales, to expose.

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