Meaning of 'cey'

s. juvenility, ilamai; 2. a child, an infant, kuzantai; 3. distance, remoteness, turam; 4. redness, civappu; 5. the bamboo, mungkil, 6. Mars; 7. Skanda; 8. length, nilam.

ceyan, (pl. ceyar), a son; 2. a distant person; 3. an enemy.

Meaning of சேய்

s. juvenility, இளமை; 2. a child, an infant, குழந்தை; 3. distance, remoteness, தூரம்; 4. redness, சிவப்பு; 5. the bamboo, மூங்கில், 6. Mars; 7. Skanda; 8. length, நீளம்.

சேயன், (pl. சேயர்), a son; 2. a distant person; 3. an enemy.

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