Meaning of 'ceyal'

v. n. (cey), doing, work action, tozil; 2. agency, operations of deity, providence, teyvacceyal; 3. safeguard, protection, kaval.

ceyalayyavan, one in helpless condition or in reduced circumstances.
tayceyalay, by chance.
tiruvulacceyal, an act of the divine will.
ceyalketa, to be deprived of energy.

Meaning of செயல்

v. n. (செய்), doing, work action, தொழில்; 2. agency, operations of deity, providence, தெய்வச்செயல்; 3. safeguard, protection, காவல்.

செயலற்றவன், one in helpless condition or in reduced circumstances.
தற்செயலாய், by chance.
திருவுளச்செயல், an act of the divine will.
செயல்கெட, to be deprived of energy.

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