Meaning of 'cemmu'

III. v. t. lute, cover with loam or clay; 2. stuff a pillow or bag with cotton etc; v. i. be swollen or hard, porumu.

vayiyu cemmi (cemminappole) yiruk kiyatu, the belly is hard through indigestion.
cemmip poyiyyu, the colour has struck through.

Meaning of செம்மு

III. v. t. lute, cover with loam or clay; 2. stuff a pillow or bag with cotton etc; v. i. be swollen or hard, பொருமு.

வயிறு செம்மி (செம்மினாப்போலே) யிருக் கிறது, the belly is hard through indigestion.
செம்மிப் போயிற்று, the colour has struck through.

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