Meaning of 'amirutam'

amirtam, amutam, amurtam, amirtu, s. ambrosia, nectar, teva runavu; 2. delicious thing as milk, honey etc; 3. sweetness, inimai; 4. water; 5. cow's milk.

amirtamozi, a sweet speech.
pancamirtam, the five nectars, viz. milk, sugar, honey, plantain and cocoanut.
amirtakiranan, the moon.
amirta cancivi, panacea.
amirtamcan, the moon.
amirtataranai, a liquor supposed to ooze from the brains of yogees, on which they subsist.
amirtai, imperishableness; 2. the nelli fruit; 3. Parvathi.
amirtayokam, an auspicious conjunction of a weekday with a nakshatra.

Meaning of அமிருதம்

அமிர்தம், அமுதம், அமுர்தம், அமிர்து, s. ambrosia, nectar, தேவ ருணவு; 2. delicious thing as milk, honey etc; 3. sweetness, இனிமை; 4. water; 5. cow's milk.

அமிர்தமொழி, a sweet speech.
பஞ்சாமிர்தம், the five nectars, viz. milk, sugar, honey, plantain and cocoanut.
அமிர்தகிரணன், the moon.
அமிர்த சஞ்சீவி, panacea.
அமிர்தாம்சன், the moon.
அமிர்ததாரணை, a liquor supposed to ooze from the brains of yogees, on which they subsist.
அமிர்தை, imperishableness; 2. the nelli fruit; 3. Parvathi.
அமிர்தயோகம், an auspicious conjunction of a weekday with a nakshatra.

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