Meaning of 'cucanai'

cucanam, s. gesticulation, information by signs, showing, kuyippu; 2. sharpness, acuteness, quickness of apprehension, kurmai.

cucanaikkaran, one who is accurate or exact.
cucanaiyayc colla, to speak with accuracy.
cucanaiyayp parkka, to look narrowly into a thing.

Meaning of சூசனை

சூசனம், s. gesticulation, information by signs, showing, குறிப்பு; 2. sharpness, acuteness, quickness of apprehension, கூர்மை.

சூசனைக்காரன், one who is accurate or exact.
சூசனையாய்ச் சொல்ல, to speak with accuracy.
சூசனையாய்ப் பார்க்க, to look narrowly into a thing.

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