Meaning of 'curunai'

(curulai), s. a clew of thread, nuycurul; 2. a twist or coil of straw etc.; 3. a curve, valaivu; 4. a ferrule, pun.

kanakkuc curunai, a scroll of accounts.
kayiyyuc curunai, a ball of cord.

Meaning of சுருணை

(சுருளை), s. a clew of thread, நூற்சுருள்; 2. a twist or coil of straw etc.; 3. a curve, வளைவு; 4. a ferrule, பூண்.

கணக்குச் சுருணை, a scroll of accounts.
கயிற்றுச் சுருணை, a ball of cord.

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