curakkiyanam , knowledge of melody, teste in music.
curamantalam , a harp.
curamantalap petti , a harpsichord.
curamantalam vacikka , to play the harp.
curameyya , to egg on, to instigate. (Fig.)
curam pata , to sing the seven notes of the gamut.
apacuram , discord in music.
cuptacuram , the seven notes of the gamut.
cucuram , concord in music.
nakacuram , a kind of clarionet.
curamviza , lit. to have one's tone lowered, to be humbled.
சுரக்கியானம் , knowledge of melody, teste in music.
சுரமண்டலம் , a harp.
சுரமண்டலப் பெட்டி , a harpsichord.
சுரமண்டலம் வாசிக்க , to play the harp.
சுரமேற்ற , to egg on, to instigate. (Fig.)
சுரம் பாட , to sing the seven notes of the gamut.
அபசுரம் , discord in music.
சுப்தசுரம் , the seven notes of the gamut.
சுசுரம் , concord in music.
நாகசுரம் , a kind of clarionet.
சுரம்விழ , lit. to have one's tone lowered, to be humbled.