Meaning of 'curantu'

III. v. t. scratch off, scrape out, erase; 2. drain one's property, kavar; 3. instigate, excite, tuntu; v. i. commit adultery; 2. solicit meanly.

curanti, a scraper, scrapings.
curantit teykka, to rub furniture, to polish, to scrape out all remains from a sauce pan etc.

Meaning of சுரண்டு

III. v. t. scratch off, scrape out, erase; 2. drain one's property, கவர்; 3. instigate, excite, தூண்டு; v. i. commit adultery; 2. solicit meanly.

சுரண்டி, a scraper, scrapings.
சுரண்டித் தேய்க்க, to rub furniture, to polish, to scrape out all remains from a sauce pan etc.

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