Meaning of 'cura'

VII. v. i. collect (as milk in the breast, water in a fountain), un taku; 2. issue, spring, flow, percolate, uyu; v. t. give liberally or bountifully, paya; 2. secrete as milk; 3. pour forth continuously.

curappu, v. n. the springing forth, flow, abundance.
curapput tannir, spring water.
curappuvita, to flow (as milk from the udder).

Meaning of சுர

VII. v. i. collect (as milk in the breast, water in a fountain), உண் டாகு; 2. issue, spring, flow, percolate, ஊறு; v. t. give liberally or bountifully, பய; 2. secrete as milk; 3. pour forth continuously.

சுரப்பு, v. n. the springing forth, flow, abundance.
சுரப்புத் தண்ணீர், spring water.
சுரப்புவிட, to flow (as milk from the udder).

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