Meaning of 'cuntaram'

s. beauty, azaku; 2. goodness, nanmai; 3. red paint, cinturam; 4. colour, niyam.

cuntaran, (fem. cuntari), a handsome person; 2. a celebrated votary of Siva.
cuntarapantiyan, the title of many kings of Pandya dynasty.
cuntarecan, Siva, as worshipped at Madura.

Meaning of சுந்தரம்

s. beauty, அழகு; 2. goodness, நன்மை; 3. red paint, சிந்தூரம்; 4. colour, நிறம்.

சுந்தரன், (fem. சுந்தரி), a handsome person; 2. a celebrated votary of Siva.
சுந்தரபாண்டியன், the title of many kings of Pandya dynasty.
சுந்தரேசன், Siva, as worshipped at Madura.

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