Meaning of 'cutantaram'

(cutantariyam), s. indepen- dence, liberty, freedom, cuyatinam; 2. inheritance, heirship, urimai; 3. perquisite, compensation, hereditary right or privilege.

cutantarakarutta, the direct agent of an action.
cutantarang kotukka, to pay one his fee or share, to give one his inheritance.
cutantara paramparai, hereditary right or office.
cutantaramana pencati, self-willed, uncontrolled wife.
cutantaravali, -kkaran, -cutantaran, the heir, lawful inheritor.
cutantarattaip pitikka, to enter upon a heritage.

Meaning of சுதந்தரம்

(சுதந்தரியம்), s. indepen- dence, liberty, freedom, சுயாதீனம்; 2. inheritance, heirship, உரிமை; 3. perquisite, compensation, hereditary right or privilege.

சுதந்தரகருத்தா, the direct agent of an action.
சுதந்தரங் கொடுக்க, to pay one his fee or share, to give one his inheritance.
சுதந்தர பாரம்பரை, hereditary right or office.
சுதந்தரமான பெண்சாதி, self-willed, uncontrolled wife.
சுதந்தரவாளி, -க்காரன், -சுதந்தரன், the heir, lawful inheritor.
சுதந்தரத்தைப் பிடிக்க, to enter upon a heritage.

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