Meaning of 'cuntu'

III. v. i. be tight, as a string; contract, as a muscle in cramp; 2. gripe. v. t. flip up a coin to test its ring; 2. shoot or toss up marbles or clay balls by a fillip, teyi; 3. jerk, as reins.

cuntutal, cuntal, cuntu, v. n. jerking, flipping.

Meaning of சுண்டு

III. v. i. be tight, as a string; contract, as a muscle in cramp; 2. gripe. v. t. flip up a coin to test its ring; 2. shoot or toss up marbles or clay balls by a fillip, தெறி; 3. jerk, as reins.

சுண்டுதல், சுண்டல், சுண்டு, v. n. jerking, flipping.

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