Meaning of 'apippirayam'

s. the inmost thoughts, the secrets of the heart, utkaruttu; 2. intention, nokkam; 3. an opinion, meaning, ennam.

oruvan perile apippirayamayirukka, to remember one (mostly with affection), suspect.
inta varttaikku apippirayam enna? to what does this word allude? what does this word denote?

Meaning of அபிப்பிராயம்

s. the inmost thoughts, the secrets of the heart, உட்கருத்து; 2. intention, நோக்கம்; 3. an opinion, meaning, எண்ணம்.

ஒருவன் பேரிலே அபிப்பிராயமாயிருக்க, to remember one (mostly with affection), suspect.
இந்த வார்த்தைக்கு அபிப்பிராயம் என்ன? to what does this word allude? what does this word denote?

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