Meaning of 'cavakacam'

contr. cavacam, s. (ca+ava kacam), leisure, opportunity, convenience, camayam; 2. procrastination, tamacam.

cavakacamay, leisurely.
cavakacattile cey, do it at your leisure.
cavakacappatavillai, it is not convenient.
cavakacamparttuppo, go or visit at a convenient time.

Meaning of சாவகாசம்

contr. சாவாசம், s. (+அவ காசம்), leisure, opportunity, convenience, சமயம்; 2. procrastination, தாமசம்.

சாவகாசமாய், leisurely.
சாவகாசத்திலே செய், do it at your leisure.
சாவகாசப்படவில்லை, it is not convenient.
சாவகாசம்பார்த்துப்போ, go or visit at a convenient time.

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