Meaning of 'cattu'

III. v. t. transfer a debt, a charge or a business to another, oppuvi; 2. accuse, impute, kuyyan cayyu; 3. make excuse, pokkuc col; 4. beat, strike, ati.

un kavalaiyaic camikkuc cattivitu, cast your sorrow upon the Lord.
cattikkolla, to take on one a debt due to another.
carakkai orumikkac cattikkolla, to take a commodity by wholesale.
cattu, v. n. consigning; 2. accusing.
atu avan cattay vittirukkiyatu, it is committed to his care.
kuyyaccattu, v. n. an accusation.
kuyyancatta, to accuse.

Meaning of சாட்டு

s. pretext, excuse, சாக்குப் போக்கு; 2. v. n. of சாட்டு.

சாட்டில்லாமல் சாவில்லை, no death without a cause.
சாட்டுச்சொல்ல, to make excuses or shifts.

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