Meaning of 'cay'

(cat), a prefix denoting good, excellent, right, see can.

caykarumam, good deed, or work.
caykaram, kindness, hospitality. (verb caykari, VI. v. t. show hospitality.)
caykunam, good nature, good disposition.
caykuru, a good spiritual guide.
caycangkam, association with the good.
caycanan, caypurusan, a good or pious man.
caypattiram, a good vessel; (fig.) a worthy virtuous person.
cayputtiran, a virtuous dutiful son.

Meaning of சற்

(சத்), a prefix denoting good, excellent, right, see சன்.

சற்கருமம், good deed, or work.
சற்காரம், kindness, hospitality. (verb சற்கரி, VI. v. t. show hospitality.)
சற்குணம், good nature, good disposition.
சற்குரு, a good spiritual guide.
சற்சங்கம், association with the good.
சற்சனன், சற்புருஷன், a good or pious man.
சற்பாத்திரம், a good vessel; (fig.) a worthy virtuous person.
சற்புத்திரன், a virtuous dutiful son.

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