Meaning of 'calukai'

calikai, s. protection, patronage, ataravu; 2. power, influence, celvakku; 3. indulgent treatment, ilakkaram.

calukaikatta, to carry oneself proudly by virtue of office, power etc.
calukaikkaran, calukai manusan, a protector, a patron; a man of authority, wealth, influence etc. able to afford protection.
calukai kuttikkontuvara, to bring a protector along with one.
calukaikkuvara, to speak on one's behalf.
calukaicolla, to apply for redress stating the grievances.
calukaiteta, to seek protection.
calukaiyinperile vara, to appear, before a person without fear relying on the protection of another.

Meaning of சலுகை

சலிகை, s. protection, patronage, ஆதரவு; 2. power, influence, செல்வாக்கு; 3. indulgent treatment, இளக்காரம்.

சலுகைகாட்ட, to carry oneself proudly by virtue of office, power etc.
சலுகைக்காரன், சலுகை மனுஷன், a protector, a patron; a man of authority, wealth, influence etc. able to afford protection.
சலுகை கூட்டிக்கொண்டுவர, to bring a protector along with one.
சலுகைக்குவர, to speak on one's behalf.
சலுகைசொல்ல, to apply for redress stating the grievances.
சலுகைதேட, to seek protection.
சலுகையின்பேரிலே வர, to appear, before a person without fear relying on the protection of another.

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