Meaning of 'cammatam'
cammati, s. consent, utanpatu; 2. approbation, angkikaram; 3. permission, uttiravu; 4. liking, opinion, kotpatu.
atu umakkuc cammatamo (camma tiyo), do you consent, to it, do you like it.
cammatampole, cammatipole, just as you like or think.
cammatappata, cammatamaka, cammatiyaka, to consent, to agree to a thing.
cammatappatutta, to persuade one, to induce to consent.
cammatamketka, to ask one's consent.
cammatan, a friend; 2. wife's brother, maittunan.
Meaning of சம்மதம்
சம்மதி, s. consent, உடன்பாடு; 2. approbation, அங்கிகாரம்; 3. permission, உத்திரவு; 4. liking, opinion, கோட்பாடு.
அது உமக்குச் சம்மதமோ (சம்ம தியோ), do you consent, to it, do you like it.
சம்மதம்போலே, சம்மதிபோலே, just as you like or think.
சம்மதப்பட, சம்மதமாக, சம்மதியாக, to consent, to agree to a thing.
சம்மதப்படுத்த, to persuade one, to induce to consent.
சம்மதம்கேட்க, to ask one's consent.
சம்மதன், a friend; 2. wife's brother, மைத்துனன்.
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