Meaning of 'camati'

camatit tutan, e. see camaci.

Meaning of சமாதி

s. the abstract contemplation of an ascetic in which the soul is considered to be independent of the senses; 2. the sitting posture of an ascetic for silent meditation; 3. a grave, a sepulchre, பிரேதக்குழி; 4. will, as of God, சங்கற்பம்.

சமாதி அடைய, --ஆக, to die in an erect posture as an ascetic.
சமாதிமான், a yogi, one absorbed in contemplation.
சமாதியில் வைக்க, --பண்ண, to bury a corpse in a sitting posture.
சமாதியுப்பு, salt cast into the grave at the interment to prevent putrifaction; salt formed from the corpse interred in a sitting posture, taken up after some years.

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