Meaning of 'anupavam'

anupokam, s. experience of pleasure or pain; enjoying or suffering the effects of actions in former births.

anupava castiram, empirical science.
pazutta anupavam vayntavar, a man of ripe experience.
anupavapurvamay, anupavacittamay, by experience.

Meaning of அநுபவம்

அநுபோகம், s. experience of pleasure or pain; enjoying or suffering the effects of actions in former births.

அநுபவ சாஸ்திரம், empirical science.
பழுத்த அநுபவம் வாய்ந்தவர், a man of ripe experience.
அநுபவபூர்வமாய், அனுபவசித்தமாய், by experience.

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