Meaning of 'contai'

s. interest, concern, utantai; 2. impediments, vikkinam, contaikkaran, an interested person.

contai panna, to make difficulties.
contaiyait tirkka, -kazikka, to remove an impediment.

Meaning of சந்தை

s. a fair, market, 2. a flock, a multitude; 3. the vedas, சந்தசு; 4. recital of the Vedic text etc. by a disciple after his preceptor; 5. the burden of a song; 6. a verse; a stanza,

சந்தை ஏறுகிறது, the market is filling up.
சந்தை ஏறினதில்லை, there has been no fair.
சந்தை கலைந்தது, the fair is over, the crowd dispersed from the market.
சந்தை இரைச்சல், confused uproar, bustle as in a fair.
சந்தைகூட, to assemble as in a market place.
சந்தைக்கூட்டம், a huge crowd as in a fair, the crowd of people in a market place.
சந்தைமுதல், market fees collected from the traders in a fair.
சந்தைவெளி, an open place for a merket.
சந்தைவைக்க, to lead recitation of a text for the disciples to follow in chorus.

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