Meaning of 'anati'

s. (an+ati) what has no beginning, eternal God; 2. (a+nati) a poor destitute person, a widow.

anatiyay, enternally; 2. in a helpless condition.
anati terintukollutal, anati mun kuyippu, predestination.

Meaning of அநாதி

s. (அந்+ஆதி) what has no beginning, eternal God; 2. (+நாதி) a poor destitute person, a widow.

அநாதியாய், enternally; 2. in a helpless condition.
அநாதி தெரிந்துகொள்ளுதல், அநாதி முன் குறிப்பு, predestination.

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