Meaning of 'anatan'

(a, priv.) a helpless, forlorn man; an orphan; 2. God who has no superior.

anatacalai, orphanage, asylum.
anataratcakar, a patron of the helpless, God. 2. `nalam vizungkum anatan' (tiru viruttam), Vishnu who swallowed the world.

Meaning of அநாதன்

(, priv.) a helpless, forlorn man; an orphan; 2. God who has no superior.

அநாதசாலை, orphanage, asylum.
அநாதரட்சகர், a patron of the helpless, God. 2. `ஞாலம் விழுங்கும் அநாதன்' (திரு விருத்தம்), Vishnu who swallowed the world.

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