Meaning of 'kauvu'

kavvu, III. v. t. snatch (as a dog), take up with the mouth or beak, katittuppiti; 2. seize, grasp, payyu; 3. be intent on a thing, apprehend; kiraki.

kauvu, kauval, v. n. innam avan itile kauvavillai, he has not yet set his mind upon this.
oruvanai mannaik kauvac ceyya, nga nga , s. the symbol for a marakkal.
ngakaram, a measure of capacity = 8 nazi, oru kuyuniyalavu.

Meaning of கௌவு

கவ்வு, III. v. t. snatch (as a dog), take up with the mouth or beak, கடித்துப்பிடி; 2. seize, grasp, பற்று; 3. be intent on a thing, apprehend; கிரகி.

கௌவு, கௌவல், v. n. இன்னம் அவன் இதிலே கௌவவில்லை, he has not yet set his mind upon this.
ஒருவனை மண்ணைக் கௌவச் செய்ய, , s. the symbol for a marakkal.
ஙகரம், a measure of capacity = 8 நாழி, ஒரு குறுணியளவு.

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