Meaning of 'kotai'

s. a horse, kutirai.

Meaning of கோடை

s. the hot season, summer, வேனிற்காலம்; 2. the wind of the hot season, the heat arising from the hot landwind, மேற்காற்று; 3. a mountain; 4. gloriosa superba, காந்தள்.

கோடைகாலம், the hot season, summer.
கோடைக்காற்று, the hot land wind, the west-wind.
கோடைக்கானல், a sanatorium at the top of Kodaikanal, the southern ridge of the Palani hills more than 7 ft. high.
கோடை மழை, rain in the hot season, summer rains.
அருங் (கடுங்) கோடை, vehement heat in the hot season.
கோடையிடி, thunder during summer rains.

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