Meaning of 'kutu'

III. v. i. join, unite, poruntu; 2. meet, assemble, associate, ceru; 3. be reconciled, agree, inangku; 4. agree consent; 5. come to pass, be effected, succeed, citti; 6. be possible, iyalu; 7. be proper, decent, takutiyaku; 8. be serviceable, pirayocanamayiru; 2. abound, increase, mikutiya; v. t. associate, be friend, cineki; 2. cohabit punar; 3. reach, arrive at, atai.

antiyakalam kutivittatu, the time of death is come near.
nanyaykkutina palakaikal, planks well joined.
kuta, adv. (inf.) together, with; 2. even, also; 3. too much, in excess.
avan kutappokate, do not go with him.
kuta iruntan, he was present.
avankuta ayivan, he also knows it.
oru mataccampalam kutakkotuttar, he gave me one month's salary in addition.
kutakkutappeca, to check another in talking; to meddle or interrupt in talking.
kutappiyantavan, a brother by the same father and mother.
kutalar, kutar, enemies.
kutal, v. n. uniting, being possible.
kutatu, it is impossible, improper; 2. it cannot be done; 3. it will not join.
atu ennale kutatu, that is beyond my power, I am not able to do it.
kutatakariyam, a thing impossible.
kutatapatikkup panna, to render a thing impossible or impracticable.
kutamai, neg. v. n. impossibility, impropriety.
kutikkolla, to side with a person; to associate, to meet together.
kutippoka, to go together.
kutivaza, to live happily together.
kutiyavayu, kutiyamattum kutiyamat tiram, kutinamattum, as much as possible.
kututal, kututalai, v. ns. excess; 2. success, anukulam.
kututalai, an asylum, tarumacalai.
kutum, it is possible, proper, fit, practicable, serviceable etc.
itu avanal kutum, he is able to do it.
itu kariyattukkuk kutum, this will serve the purpose.
kaikuta, kaikutivara, to succeed; to be successful.
kutuvaymulai, the ridge of a roof (kutalvay mulai)
kuttaravu, v. n. uniting, joining; combination, union.

Meaning of கூடு

III. v. i. join, unite, பொருந்து; 2. meet, assemble, associate, சேரு; 3. be reconciled, agree, இணங்கு; 4. agree consent; 5. come to pass, be effected, succeed, சித்தி; 6. be possible, இயலு; 7. be proper, decent, தகுதியாகு; 8. be serviceable, பிரயோசனமாயிரு; 2. abound, increase, மிகுதியா; v. t. associate, be friend, சிநேகி; 2. cohabit புணர்; 3. reach, arrive at, அடை.

அந்தியகாலம் கூடிவிட்டது, the time of death is come near.
நன்றாய்க்கூடின பலகைகள், planks well joined.
கூட, adv. (inf.) together, with; 2. even, also; 3. too much, in excess.
அவன் கூடப்போகாதே, do not go with him.
கூட இருந்தான், he was present.
அவன்கூட அறிவான், he also knows it.
ஒரு மாதச்சம்பளம் கூடக்கொடுத்தார், he gave me one month's salary in addition.
கூடக்கூடப்பேச, to check another in talking; to meddle or interrupt in talking.
கூடப்பிறந்தவன், a brother by the same father and mother.
கூடலர், கூடார், enemies.
கூடல், v. n. uniting, being possible.
கூடாது, it is impossible, improper; 2. it cannot be done; 3. it will not join.
அது என்னாலே கூடாது, that is beyond my power, I am not able to do it.
கூடாதகாரியம், a thing impossible.
கூடாதபடிக்குப் பண்ண, to render a thing impossible or impracticable.
கூடாமை, neg. v. n. impossibility, impropriety.
கூடிக்கொள்ள, to side with a person; to associate, to meet together.
கூடிப்போக, to go together.
கூடிவாழ, to live happily together.
கூடியவாறு, கூடியமட்டும் கூடியமாத் திரம், கூடினமட்டும், as much as possible.
கூடுதல், கூடுதலை, v. ns. excess; 2. success, அனுகூலம்.
கூடுதலை, an asylum, தருமசாலை.
கூடும், it is possible, proper, fit, practicable, serviceable etc.
இது அவனால் கூடும், he is able to do it.
இது காரியத்துக்குக் கூடும், this will serve the purpose.
கைகூட, கைகூடிவர, to succeed; to be successful.
கூடுவாய்மூலை, the ridge of a roof (கூடல்வாய் மூலை)
கூட்டரவு, v. n. uniting, joining; combination, union.

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