Meaning of 'kuyatu'

s. tongs, pincers; 2. a raised floor or verandah, tinnai; 3. the edge of a verandah, the basis of a statue, a pedestal; 4. the cornice, the lower and higher projection in a wall or column; 5. an anvil, atai kuyatu; 6. a small block of wood, marat tuntu; 7. a kind of drum; 8. a crab, nantu; 9. sandals, patak kuyatu.

kuyatukayccip pitungka, to pinch one with red-hot pincers.
kuyattalitukka, to hold with pincers.
kuyattuvatam, a rheumatic affection attended with convulsion.
kuyattuvelai, projection or cornice work.
patakkuyatu, wooden shoes.

Meaning of குறடு

s. tongs, pincers; 2. a raised floor or verandah, திண்ணை; 3. the edge of a verandah, the basis of a statue, a pedestal; 4. the cornice, the lower and higher projection in a wall or column; 5. an anvil, அடை குறடு; 6. a small block of wood, மரத் துண்டு; 7. a kind of drum; 8. a crab, நண்டு; 9. sandals, பாதக் குறடு.

குறடுகாய்ச்சிப் பிடுங்க, to pinch one with red-hot pincers.
குறட்டாலிடுக்க, to hold with pincers.
குறட்டுவாதம், a rheumatic affection attended with convulsion.
குறட்டுவேலை, projection or cornice work.
பாதக்குறடு, wooden shoes.

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