Meaning of 'kuvalai'

s. the water-lily blue nelumbo; 2. a socket in a jewel for a gem or bead; 3. a globular bead in an earring; 4. the socket of the eye; 5. the inner corner of the eye; 6. a metallic pot with a wide mouth; 7. the brim of a vessel, vilimpu; 8. a large number, oru peren.

kuvalaikatta, to make the socket in a jewel.
kuvalaikkatukkan, ear-ring with a gem enchased in it.
kuvalaittaran, Udishtra the waterlily-garlanded.
kuvalaimalaiyar, the Vellala caste as wearing garlands of kuvalai flowers.

Meaning of குவளை

s. the water-lily blue nelumbo; 2. a socket in a jewel for a gem or bead; 3. a globular bead in an earring; 4. the socket of the eye; 5. the inner corner of the eye; 6. a metallic pot with a wide mouth; 7. the brim of a vessel, விளிம்பு; 8. a large number, ஒரு பேரெண்.

குவளைகட்ட, to make the socket in a jewel.
குவளைக்கடுக்கன், ear-ring with a gem enchased in it.
குவளைத்தாரான், Udishtra the waterlily-garlanded.
குவளைமாலையர், the Vellala caste as wearing garlands of குவளை flowers.

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