Meaning of 'kulai'

VI. v. t. loosen, relax, untie, katta viz; 2. undo, damage, efface, blot out, azi; 3. violate, as chastity; 4. shake, agitate; 5. dishearten, bay, bark (as a dog) kurai; 2. shoot forth in a bunch (as a plantain).

kulaittukkatta, to give notice by barking; 2. to imitate the barking of a dog.
kulaippan, whooping cough.
kutiyaik kulaikka, to ruin a family.
nilai, (manang) kulaikka, to ravish.
paricuttak kulaiccal akka, to profane, to desecrate.
kulaiyal, sign of anger, accak kuyippu.

Meaning of குலை

s. a cluster, a bunch of fruits, flowers etc. கொத்து; 2. the viscera (as the liver etc.); 3. trembling, நடுக் கம்; 4. the lower end of an arrow; 5. notch in a bow to keep the string in check; 6. the bowstring.

என் குலை பதைக்கிறது, my heart goes pit-a pat, my heart palpitates.
குலைகுலையாய், in branches.
குலைதள்ள, --போட, --விட, --சாய்க்க, to form as bunches.
குலைநோவு, --வலி, --எரிவு, heart-burn; liver complaint.
நெஞ்சாங்குலை, the breast, the thorax.
வாழைக்குலை, a bunch of plantains.

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