Meaning of 'kuyil'

s. declamation, word, col; 2. a singing bird, the Indian cuckoo; 3. a hole, tulai; 4. cloud, mekam; 5. a tube or pipe.

kuyilan, Indra who once assumed the form of a kuyil.
kuyil kuvukiyatu, the cuckoo sings.
kuyilmozi, soft sweet words like the notes of the cuckoo.
karungkuyil, the black cuckoo.
pullikkuyil, varikkuyil, the spotted or striped cuckoo.

Meaning of குயில்

s. declamation, word, சொல்; 2. a singing bird, the Indian cuckoo; 3. a hole, துளை; 4. cloud, மேகம்; 5. a tube or pipe.

குயிலன், Indra who once assumed the form of a குயில்.
குயில் கூவுகிறது, the cuckoo sings.
குயில்மொழி, soft sweet words like the notes of the cuckoo.
கருங்குயில், the black cuckoo.
புள்ளிக்குயில், வரிக்குயில், the spotted or striped cuckoo.

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