s. declamation, word,
kuyilan , Indra who once assumed the form of akuyil .
kuyil kuvukiyatu , the cuckoo sings.
kuyilmozi , soft sweet words like the notes of the cuckoo.
karungkuyil , the black cuckoo.
pullikkuyil ,varikkuyil , the spotted or striped cuckoo.
s. declamation, word,
குயிலன் , Indra who once assumed the form of aகுயில் .
குயில் கூவுகிறது , the cuckoo sings.
குயில்மொழி , soft sweet words like the notes of the cuckoo.
கருங்குயில் , the black cuckoo.
புள்ளிக்குயில் ,வரிக்குயில் , the spotted or striped cuckoo.