Meaning of 'kunukku'

s. a ring of lead or brass put in the ear-laps for widening them, kutampai; 2. silver, velli; 3. a. kind of sweet-meat; 4. metal weight on the margin of a net.

kunukkuttati, a club, a heavy stick with an iron knob.
valaikkunukku, see 4.

Meaning of குணுக்கு

s. a ring of lead or brass put in the ear-laps for widening them, குதம்பை; 2. silver, வெள்ளி; 3. a. kind of sweet-meat; 4. metal weight on the margin of a net.

குணுக்குத்தடி, a club, a heavy stick with an iron knob.
வலைக்குணுக்கு, see 4.

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