Meaning of 'otam'

s. moisture, dampness, iram; 2. hydrocele, hernia, rupture, anta vatam; 3. flood, vellam; 4. wave, tirai, 5. the sea, katal.

otakkaran, a person with rupture.
otakkal, elephantiasis, large leg.
otam eya, to become damp.
otavanam, sea, as a great flood.

Meaning of அதம்

s. lowness, தாழ்வு; 2. destruction, (ஹதம்) சங்காரம்.

அதமாக(ஹதமாக) to perish.
அதம்(ஹதம்) பண்ண, -ஆக்க, to destroy

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