Meaning of 'kalimpu'

s. verdigris, the green rust in brass, copper etc., 2. the evil principle connected with the soul, (kuyyam).

kalimpu pitikka, --uya, --eya, to form as verdigris; 2. to become spoiled, as curds kept in a brass vessel.
kalimpu pititta kalam, a brass cup full of verdigris.
kalimpayyavan, a man of unimpeachable character.

Meaning of களிம்பு

s. verdigris, the green rust in brass, copper etc., 2. the evil principle connected with the soul, (குற்றம்).

களிம்பு பிடிக்க, --ஊற, --ஏற, to form as verdigris; 2. to become spoiled, as curds kept in a brass vessel.
களிம்பு பிடித்த கலம், a brass cup full of verdigris.
களிம்பற்றவன், a man of unimpeachable character.

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