Meaning of 'kaviz'

VI. v. t. (caus of kaviz II,) turn upside down, capsize, put anything topsy-turvy, kavizaccey; 2. overthrow, subvert, ketu VI; 3. put a cover, mutu; 4. shed as tears, emit, velippatuttu. kavizttal, kavizppu, v. ns. overturning.

Meaning of கவிழ்

கவிழு II. v. i. be capsized, overturned, தலைகீழாகு; 2. hang down the head, stoop, குவி; 3. be destroyed, கெடு; 4. perish, die, இற; 5. founder, be submerged, முழுகிப்போ,

கவிழ்ந்துபோனான், he is ruined or dead.
கவிழ்ந்துபோன கப்பல், a ship that is sunk or capsized.
கவிழ்ந்து விழ, to fall headlong.
தலை கவிழ்ந்து நடக்க, to walk hanging down the head; to be humble.

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