Meaning of 'kavanam'

s. attention, care, heed, consideration, mental application, karuttu; 2. paces of a horse; 3. rapidity; 4. army; 5. art of composing verses; 6. forest, jungle, katu.

kavanan, he that is swift.
kavanamayk ketka, to listen attentively.
kavanamillamai, neg. v. n. negligence.

Meaning of கவனம்

s. attention, care, heed, consideration, mental application, கருத்து; 2. paces of a horse; 3. rapidity; 4. army; 5. art of composing verses; 6. forest, jungle, காடு.

கவனன், he that is swift.
கவனமாய்க் கேட்க, to listen attentively.
கவனமில்லாமை, neg. v. n. negligence.

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