Meaning of 'kaval'

s. (ka) watch, guard, protection, preservation, keeping, kappu; 2. custody, imprisonment, kaitu; 3. prison, ciyaiccalai; 4. fortification, matil; 5. a platform for watching fields, paran; 9. coat of mail, kavacam.

kavali, police duty.
kavalkattu, strict watch.
kavalkakka, to watch.
kavalpatutta, kavalilpota, -vaikka, to deliver a person into custody, 2. to imprison.
kavalpanna, to confine, to keep in custody, to take care of.
kavalvaikka, to set a watch.
kavaykutam, kavalstalam, a watchhouse, guard-room, prison.
arungkaval, a very strict confine- ment, close custody.
tukkirikkaval, an overseer of a village.
menkaval, supervision, mainguard.
veyungkaval, simple imprisonment (opp. to katungkaval, rigorous imprisonment. )
kavanikuti (kaval+nikuti) duty paid by village watchmen for the privileges they are allowed to enjoy.

Meaning of கவல்

s. care, sorrow, கவலை.

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