Meaning of 'kavalai'

s. care, concern, akkayai; 2. anxiety, perplexity, vicaram; 3. sorrow, affiction, tunpam; 4. a leather bag to draw water; 5. diverging roads; 6. fork; 7. Italian millet, centinai.

kavalaippata, -kolla, to be anxious sorrowful; to care.
tirakkavalai, unceasing care and anxiety.
kavalaikkitamana nilaimai, grave critical situation.
kavalaiyeyyam, a kind of waterlift.

Meaning of கவலை

s. care, concern, அக்கறை; 2. anxiety, perplexity, விசாரம்; 3. sorrow, affiction, துன்பம்; 4. a leather bag to draw water; 5. diverging roads; 6. fork; 7. Italian millet, செந்தினை.

கவலைப்பட, -கொள்ள, to be anxious sorrowful; to care.
தீராக்கவலை, unceasing care and anxiety.
கவலைக்கிடமான நிலைமை, grave critical situation.
கவலையேற்றம், a kind of waterlift.

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