Meaning of 'kalan'

s. Yama, the god of death, yaman; 2. the minister of death, attendant on Yama; 3. Saturn, cani.

kalakalan, Siva who overcame Yama.
kalatantam, the club of Yama, death.
kalapacam, the noose of Yama.
kalantakan, (kalan+antakan) Siva who overcame Yama; 2. a very wicked person; 3. a very active or dexterous person (like Yama).

Meaning of கலன்

s. dispute, வழக்கு; encumbrance, வில்லங்கம்; 2. see கலம்.

இதற்கு யாதொரு கலனுமில்லை, there is no dispute about it.
கலனைத்தீர்த்துத்தர, to indemnify; to settle all disputes.

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