Meaning of 'karutu'

III. v. t. intend, purpose, design, ennu; 2. think, consider, reflect, cinti; 3. imagine, suppose, ninai; 4. infer, deduce; anumani; 5. resemble, ottiru.

collavum karutavum kutatu, it cannot be expressed or conceived.
karutalar, foes, enemies, karutalar or karutar, or karutatar.

Meaning of கருது

III. v. t. intend, purpose, design, எண்ணு; 2. think, consider, reflect, சிந்தி; 3. imagine, suppose, நினை; 4. infer, deduce; அனுமானி; 5. resemble, ஒத்திரு.

சொல்லவும் கருதவும் கூடாது, it cannot be expressed or conceived.
கருதலர், foes, enemies, கருதலார் or கருதார், or கருதாதார்.

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