Meaning of 'karanai'
s. a small trowel, kollayu; 2. a joint or knot in trees, karatu; 3. a piece between two knots in sugar cane and other reeds; 4. a piece of a long edible root etc. cut cross-wise; 5. a plant of different species as kattukkaranai, kayikkaranai, karak karanai etc.
karanaikkizangku, the bulbs of karanai plant.
karanai ata, to cut into pieces cross wise.
Meaning of கரணை
s. a small trowel, கொல்லறு; 2. a joint or knot in trees, கரடு; 3. a piece between two knots in sugar cane and other reeds; 4. a piece of a long edible root etc. cut cross-wise; 5. a plant of different species as காட்டுக்கரணை, கறிக்கரணை, காராக் கரணை etc.
கரணைக்கிழங்கு, the bulbs of கரணை plant.
கரணை ஆட, to cut into pieces cross wise.
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