Meaning of 'karanam'

s. cause, etu; 2. origin, principle, mulam; 3. motive, reason nok kam; 4. means, instrument, karuvi.

karanakariyam, cause and effect.
karanakartta, -katavul, the Supreme Being as agent in all things.
karanakuru, the guru that seeks not his own interest but the spiritual welfare of his disciples (opp. to kariyakuru).
karanakkuyi, derived names.
karanaccol, a story, a narrative, katai.
karanappeyar, (gram.) a derivative name.
karanangkatta, to show reason, affirm.
karanapurusan, (karanastan) an originator.
karanamayirukka, to be the author of a thing.
karanamukantaram, motive.
karana vicesangkal, chief or principal things.
karananumanam, (christ.) cosmological argument; (in logic) a priori reasoning, inference from cause to effect (opp. to kariyanumanam)
carvattiykum atikaranamanavar, the first cause or the creator of all things.
mulakaranam, (mutaykaranam), the original cause.

Meaning of கரணம்

s. instrument, means, உபகர ணம்; 2. an organ of sense, இந்திரியம்; 3. the faculty of mind, அந்தகரணம்; 4. gambol, tumbling, tricks of a rope-dancer, கூத்து; 5. marriage ceremony, விவாகச் சடங்கு; 6. number, எண்; 7. a title-deed, document சாஸ னம்; 8. coition, கலவி; 9. astrological and astronomical calculations; 1. an accountant, karnam, கணக்கன்.

கர்ணம்பலம், the office of village headman.
கரணம்போட, to play at gambols, to tumble, to solicit earnestly, to use all possible means.
கரணவாசனை, --வாதனை, sensation, experience pleasing or painful.
கரணன், an accountant, கணக்கன்.
திரிகரணசுத்தி, purity in word, deed and thought.
கரணிகம், intellectual power, a kind of dancing.
நாமகரணம் செய்ய, to give a name to a baby or to anything.
காலகரணம் செய்ய, to delay.

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