Meaning of 'kantal'

s. rags, kantai; 2. shameful vicious life, ketu; 3. a profligate fellow, kettavan; 4. fault, blemish due to ignorance, annanattal untana kuyyam.

kantalayttiriya, to live a profligate and debauched life.
kantalkulam, confusion, disorder.

Meaning of கந்தல்

s. rags, கந்தை; 2. shameful vicious life, கேடு; 3. a profligate fellow, கெட்டவன்; 4. fault, blemish due to ignorance, அஞ்ஞானத்தால் உண்டான குற்றம்.

கந்தலாய்த்திரிய, to live a profligate and debauched life.
கந்தல்கூளம், confusion, disorder.

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