Meaning of 'kantaki'

s. (femine of kantakan) 2. the river Candhahi near Benares; 3. the vertebrai (anat.); 4. jujube tree, ilantai; 5. fragrant screw-pine, tazai.

kantakikkal, -ccilai, a stone found in the river Gandhahi and held sacred by the Hindus, calakkiramam.

Meaning of கண்டகி

s. (femine of கண்டகன்) 2. the river Candhahi near Benares; 3. the vertebrai (anat.); 4. jujube tree, இலந்தை; 5. fragrant screw-pine, தாழை.

கண்டகிக்கல், -ச்சிலை, a stone found in the river Gandhahi and held sacred by the Hindus, சாளக்கிராமம்.

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