Meaning of 'katukatu'

VI. v. i. appear angry by one's look or words, speak harshly, vetu vetu; 2. murmur, muyumuyu; 3. have severe pain (as from a sting of scorpion) viruviru; 4. be too highly seasoned uyai.

katukatutta mukam, angry face.
katukatuttup peca, to speak harshly.
katukatuppu, katukatuttal, v. n. sullenness, displeasure of countenance; 2. severe acute pain.

Meaning of கடுகடு

VI. v. i. appear angry by one's look or words, speak harshly, வெடு வெடு; 2. murmur, முறுமுறு; 3. have severe pain (as from a sting of scorpion) விருவிரு; 4. be too highly seasoned உறை.

கடுகடுத்த முகம், angry face.
கடுகடுத்துப் பேச, to speak harshly.
கடுகடுப்பு, கடுகடுத்தல், v. n. sullenness, displeasure of countenance; 2. severe acute pain.

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