Meaning of 'katavul'

s. (kata, surpassing + ul) God, the Supreme Being; 2. sage; 3. guru.

katavunati (katavul+nati) the river Ganges (of divine origin).
katavul vanakkam, --vazttu, an invocation to God added at the commencement of a treatise.
katavutpani, (katavul + pani), service to God; 2. Adisesha, the king of serpents.
katavutpalli, a Buddist temple.
katavular, the celestials, vanavar.

Meaning of கடவுள்

s. (கட, surpassing + உள்) God, the Supreme Being; 2. sage; 3. guru.

கடவுணதி (கடவுள்+நதி) the river Ganges (of divine origin).
கடவுள் வணக்கம், --வாழ்த்து, an invocation to God added at the commencement of a treatise.
கடவுட்பணி, (கடவுள் + பணி), service to God; 2. Adisesha, the king of serpents.
கடவுட்பள்ளி, a Buddist temple.
கடவுளர், the celestials, வானவர்.

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