Meaning of 'kaccai'

s. a belt, a girdle, araikkaccu; 2. a rope, card, kayiyu; 3. a piece of long cloth; 4. a scar, tazumpu; 5. coat-ofmail.

kaccai katta, to gird one's self for a fight; to tuck up the cloth.
kaccaik kotiyon, Karna, whose banner bore the device of an elephant's rope.
kaccai neyya, to weave a girdle or cloth.
kaccaip pattai, see under, kaccu.

Meaning of கச்சை

s. a belt, a girdle, அரைக்கச்சு; 2. a rope, card, கயிறு; 3. a piece of long cloth; 4. a scar, தழும்பு; 5. coat-ofmail.

கச்சை கட்ட, to gird one's self for a fight; to tuck up the cloth.
கச்சைக் கொடியோன், Karna, whose banner bore the device of an elephant's rope.
கச்சை நெய்ய, to weave a girdle or cloth.
கச்சைப் பட்டை, see under, கச்சு.

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