s. a belt, a girdle,
kaccai katta , to gird one's self for a fight; to tuck up the cloth.
kaccaik kotiyon , Karna, whose banner bore the device of an elephant's rope.
kaccai neyya , to weave a girdle or cloth.
kaccaip pattai , see under,kaccu .
s. a belt, a girdle,
கச்சை கட்ட , to gird one's self for a fight; to tuck up the cloth.
கச்சைக் கொடியோன் , Karna, whose banner bore the device of an elephant's rope.
கச்சை நெய்ய , to weave a girdle or cloth.
கச்சைப் பட்டை , see under,கச்சு .